Even if you're in the healthiest and most loving relationship, there are going to be little snags. That's where some good, old-fashioned, easy relationship hacks come in. These really don't have to be rocket science — they can be super easy things that take little effort on your part, but maximize the enjoyment you (and your partner) wind up having in your relationship.
Think of how much it means to you when your partner does something small and special for you. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. No grand gestures (though those are nice sometimes); this kind of relationship hack is all about simplicity, gentleness and kindness. Of course, it would be nice if we were all super on top of our game all of the time, but that just isn't life — sometimes we need some good reminders or ideas of things to do for our partners that will make them feel special. That's the great thing about a relationship hack: They're the kind of things that chop through our egos and just get to the meat of being a good partner. Though lots of relationship hack suggestions are more involved and require perhaps a bit more work, these nine ideas are all things you can do right now, today, this evening, to create a happier, healthier, more harmonious dynamic between you and your partner.
1. Watch The First Thing Someone Suggests
This is a fun game: Instead of endlessly browsing the TV or on your computer, just agree to the first show, movie, or documentary your partner suggests. It'll probably come as a shock, but it will certainly be appreciated — and you'll probably really enjoy it. You can always take turns doing this, which will allow for much less time spent scrolling movies and TV and much more time watching (and snuggling).
2. Don't Keep Tabs
It's practically impossible to go tit for tat on every little thing in a relationship — but in the end, it always winds up pretty fair. If you keep tabs on every little thing you pay for or every little thing you do, you'll end up resenting each other.
3. Random Acts Of Kindness...
...are the best.
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