The INSIDER Summary:
- An astrological guide explains why summer is truly the season of love.
- The new moon in July means it’s time to focus on having fun and being creative with those we love.
- For single people, it’s the perfect time to push yourself outside your comfort zone and meet people the old-fashioned way.
Remember back in February when Venus was in retrograde and our astrological goddess guide Ambi Sitham told us we had a lot of relationship work to do before the “summer of love” came knocking? (Ugh, how many of us went through crucial breakups this spring?) Well, the hot season is (finally, gloriously) upon us, and we’ve got the taco recipes and bucket lists to prove it. Of course, we needed to know just how this summer is cosmically connected to our love lives, so we chatted with Sitham to find out exactly what sort of partnership karma we should expect through September.
Jupiter stations direct in Libra- June 9
Jupiter is “all about cosmic abundance, rules, peace, and harmony, and governs committed relationships,” Sitham explains. The planet has also been in retrograde for months (which means its energy has been murky) and will station direct in Libra on June 9. This means that we can expect “the clear, harmonious energy of Jupiter’s power to infuse our one-on-one relationships for the next four months.” Additionally, Libra is the sign of balance, partnership, and harmony, so with the planet and sign working together, you can expect a lot of “we energy” that blends peace and partnership. Sitham suggests “taking the hard lessons of the last few months and bringing the romance back into your life — you’ve got the cosmic assistance to make this a summer of fun!”
New moon in Leo- July 23
The moon has two nodes; the north node rules future destiny while the south node rules past karma. On July 23, the new moon’s north node will be in Leo, so Sitham says, “It’s all on!” Leo rules the zodiac’s fifth house, which is all about children, pleasure, love, and creative self-expression. Basically, Sitham continues, this means that our collective “destiny is moving into children, love, and romance.” It’s a time to expect pregnancy announcements, engagements, and, of course, lots of weddings. With Leo in our fifth house, it’s a wonderful time to focus on having fun and being creative with those we love. For single gals, it’s the perfect time to push yourself outside your comfort zone and meet people the old-fashioned way — consider a backyard BBQ or pottery class.
Solar eclipse in Leo- August 21
The total solar eclipse on August 21 is a major cosmic event for astrologists and astronomers alike, and everyone is suggesting those of us in the US get ourselves to the “path of totality” to truly experience its intensity. But even if you can’t make your way to Missouri to check it out, you can set some serious manifestations for the following six months during the second new moon in Leo of the summer. Sitham shares that a new moon eclipse holds even more powerful — and long-lasting — energy than a regular new moon, so this is a perfect cosmic window of opportunity to think about what you want for your life (and relationships) for the rest of 2017.
PS: If you want even more astrological downloads delivered to your inbox, Sitham is offering a free 30-day trial membership to her monthly Soulstrology guides that give you the major cosmic events for the coming weeks.
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